Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reflecting on Year 1

Amazing.  My son's first birthday blew by in January and it's taken me this long to post to my blog.  I really was celebrating the fact that I survived year 1.  I was more excited about that little tidbit than I was with my baby turning 1 years old.  A few highlights of the past year:

--I never in a million years would have thought I would have had another baby.  I can assure you that the 4 pregnancy tests I took shocked me.  My friend Sarah and I even went to Target to purchase a few more just to make sure.  It was a bit like two young girls buying pregnancy tests who didn't want to be seen.  I took the pregnancy test in the Target bathroom and had 2 more positives.  I thought I had mistaken identity with a high school girl afraid to face the world with baby in tow.

--So, on the path of a 40+ year old mom-to-be I went.  How could I join new playgroups when I was as old as the other mom's mom? Would I be completely gray when my child starts kindergarten?  Will I ever be able to retire?  Is my husbands idea of naming our child '401k' completely outrageous?  Do I really have to watch Barney again?  Will I roll right into menopause after giving birth?
--Then delivery!  Why God thought it was a good idea for women to push out an 8 lb baby is beyond me!  This must be part of his grand plan of the universe.  Why else would he put us through that kind of pain?  The funny thing is that you really do forget but let me assure you that everything you blocked out comes rolling back in like a summer thunderstorm.

--Next we had a baby that just plain and simple wasn't a sleeper.  Who knew that babies sometimes didn't sleep the first year?  I tried it all --- Ferber, aromatherapy, massage, 25 nookies in the crib, praying, begging, pleading, drinking wine (for me -- not him).  I'm happy to report that it finally has happened --- he sleeps!  Now, let's not get too overzealous in rejoicing because I don't want to jinx it.  I can only say I don't really want to go back to that state of sleeping with my eyes open 24/7.  I have NEVER been that tired in my entire life.  I praise and worship all of the working moms in the world that suck down as much caffeine as I do to make it through a day!  Every expert says you should try to exercise to have more energy.  Are you kidding me?  I'm a working mom of three with a baby that doesn't sleep.  What world are "the experts" living in?  Caffeine!

--My boy was in a local ad campaign over the summer for UW Health.  Of all things ironic, it was for a fertility clinic.  Yep, really, a fertility clinic.  The irony just doesn't end because he is going to be featured in another UW Health ad campaign in March --- yep, fertility.  A failed vasectomy and a fertility campaign. 

Here I sit, 1 short year later, still slamming my afternoon diet coke and reflecting on what the last year has brought into my life.  Chaos, exhaustion, frustration, and true, deep love. I have to be honest with you - it took some time for me to accept my current situation.  My girlfriends have spent many an hour counseling me over wine.  I can finally say that it's going to be o.k.  It's all good and I got the biggest treasure anyone could ever hope for...my baby G!  He is sweet to the bone and it surely doesn't hurt that he is the cutest baby you'll ever see.


  1. You have a great way of being humorous and sincere all at the same time! And I too suck down more caffeine than I'd like to admit! Your family looks amazing and they are blessed to have a woman like you as the ring leader!

  2. Love this post! Your family is gorgeous and so are you! Keep up the good work! And just a warning, you might need to cut down on the wine when peri-menopause hits. So enjoy now!
