Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another week rolls sleep yet :)

Well, it's already Thursday and Thanksgiving is next week.  That seems impossible.  Time is flying by so quickly but such is the life of a working mom.  I really have a deep appreciation for mom's!  I don't think our kids realize our true greatness until they are adults.  Yes, I've thrown out the comment a million times "you'll appreciate me when I'm older."  Speaking of comments, did anyone watch Modern Family last night?  Ha - could I relate to that storyline.  I saw myself at the driver's wheel when Claire said "Both parents can't be fun in a family or you have a circus!"  So true.

So, I last reported our quest to get baby G to sleep.  Some progress is better than no progress, right? (Not really when you have a mom with a Type A personality that develops plans and expects results).   I've given strict orders that no one can put his nookie in his mouth for him. We can put it in his hand and HE can put it in his mouth. I'm hoping he can then grab one of the 15 nookie's (which include some of the glow in the dark variety) at night ON HIS OWN.   Check this out ---- I think he has $50 worth of pacifiers ----

I've also informed my girls that this is his first step at becoming a man of the year 2010.  He will not expect women to wait on him his whole life.  I have too much empathy and love for his future wife to raise a male chauvinist :)  He had a good night (even put himself back to sleep on his own), then an o.k. night, then a really bad night.  Who can explain it?  I did notice at least 4 new teeth coming in last night when he and I were dancing around to our favorite music so maybe that is it?  He didn't go #2 yesterday?  He ate new food?  He was over-tired?  He was in a mood?  He was cold?  OK - I just can't try to figure it out anymore.  I am just telling myself this is God's plan (not mine---I hate not having control!)  and this too shall pass. I'm telling you --- if this is a test of my endurance --- I need a free ticket to the Pearly Gates.  You can be assured I will be having a pointed conversation with the Big Guy upstairs when I get to those gates :)


  1. I had to go 'nu nu' (nuk) shopping with Anna this week (fume!). We need better nu nu management in our household.

  2. We have been taking a Love and Logic class and it is never too early to start. You are giving him responsibility and choices even at this age. Bravo! Love the nookie pic!

  3. Ahh - nookies? Over here in Australia a nookie is ....ahem....having a naughty....a screw.....doing the dirty......sssssex....yep.
    We call our pacifiers "dummies", which could be why Aussies tend to end up with inferiority complexes....
    You are lucky that your gorgeous boy isn't like my eldest son Damian was. He used to call his dummies "boyas"- why? Cause that's the noise he made sucking them. Anyway, I digress. He used to have to have 3 or he would scream the place down. He would suck on one, rub his face with another and the third one he would lay across his nose. Only way he would go to sleep. He's still a demanding little bugger at 28. Some things never change, so you are wise taking control now! As for his nookies, well, I waited till they were older to worry about those!Can you check your inbox on facebook. I have sent you a message.Annette
