Thursday, December 2, 2010

Get motivated today!

Well, I've had a hell of a week! Sick household including me (the one that holds the joint together)!  I don't have time right now to get into the details because I'm off to my social media marketing class for the evening.  For those who know me well, you know I love good motivational stuff.  I think we can all use it everyday!  So, I came across the videos...

I love #5 because it hit me personally.

Enjoy them:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Plunk, Plunk, Plunk...what the hell is that?

It's the sound of one, then another, then another, then another nookie hitting the floor during naptime.  The baby boy has figured out how to launch his collection of nookies out of his crib for entertainment.  My friend Amy saw it first hand after we went on a little shopping expedition to one of our favorite spots (Plum Crazy).  If you haven't been to Plum Crazy you need to go.  It has awesome gifts and you can drink martinis while shopping.  My girlfriends and I like to frequent it for the chocolate martinis.  Amy was amazed there could be a mine field of nookies on the floor. I am, however, happy to report that he is starting to put his nookie in his mouth on his own --- in addition to throwing them across the room.  I guess it is really not just nookies he is launching.  He figured out that if he drops his food (or throws it) off of his high chair tray the dog will eat it.  This has provided for several smiles and coos (and may have even formed a friendship between the two.)  You should know that Shelby (the dog) has always been the little man of the house and hasn't been a fan of his new baby bro.

The sleeping situation has (I hesitate to say) improved slightly.  I don't want to jinx it but it seems like it is getting better.  We had a babysitter Saturday night and he was out of his "routine" and he made it from 8 pm - 3:30 a.m. so I guess we can throw all of the scientific "keep him in his routine" bullshit out the window.  I should mention that this coup was the same night that my teenage daughter made me feel defeated with a post to her Facebook page that "I'm ruining her life because I won't let her go to a movie with her friends."  Two interesting life adjusting phases all at once.  I just read that a teenager is like a toddler --- testing their and our limits all the time.  These two different phases may actually be more similiar than I could have imagined.

We have a short week for my favorite holiday.  I just read an email today that asked what I'm thankful for and it made me pause for a moment to collect my thoughts.  I am thankful for great friends who have helped me deal with a newborn and a teenage girl all at once.  It may be over cocktails, but it has been my basis for sanity.  My case in point was after a chocolate martini, I asked them what I was doing wrong with the sleeping situation. They informed me "I was doing great! I need to hang tough! Keep up the good work!  You aren't doing anything wrong. "  As a mom, you just need to hear that every now and then.  It's nice to know you aren't completely screwing up your kids and failing as a parent.  My friends have been there with babies and can relate (not at 42 years old :) but they've been there.  It's amazing how they can keep you grounded throughout all of the trials and tribulations of life!

And, I'm thankful for my 3 children who test my faith, endurance, and intelligence everyday.  I can't really finish this blog without mentioning the question from my middle child that stumped me today (and questioned my intelligence to a whole new level) --- "Do you think Jesus will come again?"  Who else can ask you those kind of questions where you are like "Hmmmm, I don't really know (and you REALLY don't have a clue)." 

So, take a moment and just be thankful for everything and everyone in your life today

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another week rolls sleep yet :)

Well, it's already Thursday and Thanksgiving is next week.  That seems impossible.  Time is flying by so quickly but such is the life of a working mom.  I really have a deep appreciation for mom's!  I don't think our kids realize our true greatness until they are adults.  Yes, I've thrown out the comment a million times "you'll appreciate me when I'm older."  Speaking of comments, did anyone watch Modern Family last night?  Ha - could I relate to that storyline.  I saw myself at the driver's wheel when Claire said "Both parents can't be fun in a family or you have a circus!"  So true.

So, I last reported our quest to get baby G to sleep.  Some progress is better than no progress, right? (Not really when you have a mom with a Type A personality that develops plans and expects results).   I've given strict orders that no one can put his nookie in his mouth for him. We can put it in his hand and HE can put it in his mouth. I'm hoping he can then grab one of the 15 nookie's (which include some of the glow in the dark variety) at night ON HIS OWN.   Check this out ---- I think he has $50 worth of pacifiers ----

I've also informed my girls that this is his first step at becoming a man of the year 2010.  He will not expect women to wait on him his whole life.  I have too much empathy and love for his future wife to raise a male chauvinist :)  He had a good night (even put himself back to sleep on his own), then an o.k. night, then a really bad night.  Who can explain it?  I did notice at least 4 new teeth coming in last night when he and I were dancing around to our favorite music so maybe that is it?  He didn't go #2 yesterday?  He ate new food?  He was over-tired?  He was in a mood?  He was cold?  OK - I just can't try to figure it out anymore.  I am just telling myself this is God's plan (not mine---I hate not having control!)  and this too shall pass. I'm telling you --- if this is a test of my endurance --- I need a free ticket to the Pearly Gates.  You can be assured I will be having a pointed conversation with the Big Guy upstairs when I get to those gates :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My first post...the beginning

Well, where really should I start????  My friends tell me on a daily basis that I need to write a book on the many funny (and crazy) things in my life.  So I guess I'll look at this as the start of my journey!

I want to share the everyday stories of life which usually leave me asking myself "Are you kidding me?" or "I didn't see that coming!"  So, I'm doing my first quick post so I can go to bed while my baby Grayson is sleeping - you can be assured you will hear a lot of stories about my trials and tribulations of trying to get that baby boy to sleep through the night.  At 42, I need my beauty sleep.  God knows I have gravity working against me already so the lack of sleep has added at least 10 wrinkles on my face.  We won't even get into how many wrinkles having a baby at 41 added in places I didn't even know could get wrinkles. I know since this is my first post (and my social media students are going to read it) I should spend much more time and thought on it but I had a crazy weekend of gymnastics, volleyball (and of course a girls night out for my friends birthdays).

So, I'm off to sleep until the habitual 2 am waking.  You may think I'm making this up ---- but I swear I am telling the honest to God truth ---- I put 15 pacifiers in his crib tonight!  Yep, 15!  It is my newest ploy to get him to find his own dam nookie at night instead of having his dear old ma come in and jam one in his mouth.  This is a new plan my friend Sarah and I whipped up last night.  Sarah is another person you will hear alot about in my blog.  I have great friends, and without them, I'm not sure I would have kept my sense of humor over the last 2 years.  We love to laugh, drink cocktails and laugh some more. 

So, time for my beauty rest :)  I know, how can a baby this dam cute cause such drama in our house?  Stay tuned....